
Mapping Global China has initiated a project to gather a diverse range of data from various sources, consistently enhancing the breadth and depth of our collection. Our efforts have yielded detailed visualizations of China’s overseas infrastructure endeavors, the Belt and Road Initiative’s impacts, sustainability investments, and the digital infrastructure landscape. We are now extending our research to encompass broader themes, including digital payments, Confucius Institutes, and cultural exchanges, to offer insights into the far-reaching effects of China’s international engagements on local levels. Our platform is designed for accessibility, allowing users to effortlessly interact with and download curated datasets, thus enriching the work of scholars and researchers across numerous fields. At Mapping Global China, our aim extends to constructing a platform where macro data and micro narratives harmoniously intertwine and mutually enrich one another. Through our research briefs, storymaps, and interviews with scholars studying China across continents and utilizing our data on specific topics and regions, we strive to achieve this synergy. By juxtaposing maps with specific cases — from infrastructure projects to digital payment systems — we provide not only a comprehensive overview of Global China but also a grounded perspective from local contexts.

Explore Global China’s infrastructure, digital landscape, and the Belt and Road Initiative through our interactive maps. Each map provides a unique perspective on Global China’s global engagement.